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XNAT IT Operations

Introduction to XNAT IT Operations

We're treating "IT Operations" as a separate category from "Administration" in this documentation to reflect the growing difference between these two roles, particularly in larger, more mature XNAT installations.

The role of IT Operations is focused almost entirely on backend concerns -- servers (both physical and virtualized), data stores, connections to computing clusters, and the like. 

XNAT Hosting and Deployment Infrastructure

All versions of XNAT from 1.7.0 to 1.8.1 have been developed and tested on Apache Tomcat 7, which reached its end of life as of March 31, 2021. If you are migrating an existing XNAT deployment to a new server environment, see Running XNAT on Tomcat 8.5 and Later.

Topics in development:

  • Hosting XNAT and its data
  • XNAT deployment procedures
  • XNAT backup and restore

XNAT Site Maintenance and Monitoring

XNAT Remote Data relays

External Resources

Topics in development:

  • Connecting XNAT to Amazon Web Services

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