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Arc-sync is a Python script that uses the XNAT REST API to make a local copy of session data in a named project. It works with Python 2.x (preferably 2.7) but not Python 3.x.

The script can be downloaded from here.


python \
-h ${XNAT_BASE_URL}  \
--proj ${XNAT_PROJECT} \ (NOTE preceding double dash)
-u ${XNAT_USER}      \
-p ${XNAT_PASSWORD}  \ (-u and -p are optional; user will be prompted if these are omitted)
-m ${REQUESTED_MODALITIES} \ (optional; multiple values separated by commas)
-l ${LOCAL_CACHE_DIR} \ (optional; defaults to ${PWD}/${XNAT_PROJECT})
-s ${REQUESTED_SCAN_TYPES} \ (optional; multiple values separated by commas)
-v (optional; displays information about scans being retrieved)
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