XNAT 1.6 Workshop Virtual Machine This virtual machine is provided by the Neuroinformatics Research Group at the Washington University School of Medicine for testing, development, and educational purposes ONLY. You shouldn't store any protected health information (PHI) or other sensitive data in this server. This test XNAT instance comprises the following: * XNAT 1.6 Workshop Beta * Ubuntu 11.10 * Apache Tomcat 6.0.32 * PostgreSQL 9.0.7 * OpenJDK 1.6.0_23 Note that PostgreSQL was installed from binary installer packages and NOT using the Ubuntu package manager. This was done so that version 9.0 of PostgreSQL--which is not easily available through the standard Ubuntu software repositories could be used. The net effect of this is that this package will not be managed and updated through the standard Ubuntu package manager process. In addition, a number of other helpful tools are included with this image: * The Ubuntu package manager is configured to access the NeuroDebian software repository. See http://neuro.debian.net/ for more information. * Version 0.9.3 of pyxnat is installed, along with the most up-to-date version of Python available at the time of this release. * Mercurial 1.9.1 is installed for updating packages from the XNAT source repository on bitbucket.org. The default login credentials are: User: xnat Password: xnat2012 The default PostgreSQL credentials are: User: xnat Password: xnat The xnat user has trust privileges to the database from the local machine, meaning that all you need to do is type 'psql' when logged in as xnat to access the xnat database. The default login on the XNAT application itself is: User: admin Password: admin Starting and stopping XNAT/Tomcat sudo service tomcat6 start sudo service tomcat6 stop Accessing the database psql You can also run pgadmin3 from the command line or the desktop launcher. Locations All of the main working folders on the VM are located under /opt/xnat: * XNAT builder code is located in /opt/xnat/xnat_builder_1_6 * The pipeline installation is in /opt/xnat/pipeline_1_6 * The data folders for the XNAT installation are in /opt/xnat/data * Scripts, data, and other information specific to the workshop are located in /opt/xnat/workshop2012. The installed XNAT web application can be easily accessed in ~xnat/deploy, which is a symbolic link to /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/xnat. The XNAT virtual machine is built and configured in a default state. The only changes you should need to make are to set the system SMTP server for mailing purposes as well as the default administrator email address. To make this easier, a script named configure.sh is provided in the ~xnat/bin folder: sudo configure.sh myemail@myschool.edu smtp.myschool.edu This will stop Tomcat, update the relevant configuration files and database entries for the mail settings, then restart Tomcat. Note the use of sudo to allow the proper permissions for stopping and starting Tomcat. Once you've done this, you can start using XNAT by starting a browser and going to http://localhost:8080/xnat. You can log in with the admin credentials from above. Updating and Building Code You can update the main source-controlled folders using the updateAll.sh script. This updates the XNAT builder, pipeline, and workshop code from the NRG repositories on Bitbucket. Once you've updated, you can rebuild your code by calling the rebuild.sh script. This shuts down Tomcat, updates your XNAT application, imports database changes, and restarts Tomcat. These scripts are located in the ~xnat/bin folder and are available whenever you're logged into the VM as the xnat user.