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Admin UI - File System Behavior Settings

Setting / Property Name



ZIP Extensions


This should be a comma-separated-list of all the file extensions that XNAT should treat as zips. It will use the ZipUtils class and the ZIP CompressionMethod when encountering these files. Other extensions (.tar and .gz) are handled separately.

When listing the zip extensions, you should not include periods.




This switch box controls whether checksums should be calculated for each image file as it's archived. Activating this provides greater assurance of data integrity, but may add significant overhead to the archive process. It is enabled by default.

True (Enabled)

Backup to-be-deleted data to cache "recycle bin"


Determines how XNAT should dispose of resource files when a user deletes an XNAT data object (i.e. subjects, image sessions, or projects).

If enabled, XNAT moves resource files to a "DELETED" subfolder located in the cache, acting as a Recycle Bin where files can be recovered from later. If disabled, these resource files are permanently deleted when the corresponding XNAT data objects are deleted.

False (Disabled)

Track file history


Determines how XNAT should dispose of resource files when a user deletes individual files (e.g. by using the Manage Files UI).

If enabled, XNAT retains copies of deleted files in a ".history" subdirectory of the cache space for version control. If disabled, these resource files are permanently deleted.

False (Disabled)

Show Prearchive File Actions


Displays the "File Actions" dropdown menu in the Prearchive UI, if enabled.

True (Enabled)

Site-wide config properties can be accessed via REST at /xapi/siteConfig/values/{property-name}.

Site-wide config properties can be access programmatically in Velocity via $siteConfig.{property-name}.

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