Installing the Pipeline Engine
Changes in Pipeline Framework XNAT 1.9+
In XNAT version 1.9 onwards, the Pipeline Engine Framework now requires two components to be installed and configured:
The Pipeline Engine (as mentioned in this document)
Get the latest Pipeline Engine code: $ git clone
The XNAT pipeline engine is distributed as a code repository that contains the pipeline engine installer. To install the pipeline engine:
Create a folder to contain the pipeline installer, change to that directory, then clone the :
Extracting XNAT pipeline installer
BASH$~$ mkdir pipeline ~$ cd pipeline/ ~/pipeline$ git clone
Create a destination folder for the pipeline engine. The standard XNAT practice is to use /data/project/pipeline. As with other XNAT folders, the pipeline folder must be accessible by the Tomcat user.
Creating XNAT pipeline installation folder
BASH~$ mkdir /data/xnat/pipeline
Run with the administrator email address, SMTP server address, XNAT URL, site name, and destination folder:
Alternatively, you can save these options in a file named in the pipeline installer folder:
XNAT pipeline installer
BASHxnatUrl= siteName=XNAT destination=/data/xnat/pipeline
Now run gradlew from that folder:
Installing XNAT pipeline with gradlew
BASH~$ ./gradlew
The advantage of the latter approach is that you can reinstall updates to the pipeline engine with one simple command rather than having to re-enter the full syntax again.