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Integrating Custom Fields display in Report and Edit Pages of custom datatype

Depending on how you have created the report and edit pages for your custom datatype, including the custom field information in the Report and Edit pages for the datatype is at most a one line change.

Report Page

For a custom datatype, the report page is rendered using the template file


If the report page for the datatype has no customisation and you are using 


in the report template file, you do not have to make any changes to include the custom field information in the report page. 

If you have customised the report page, make sure to include the line 


in the appropriate location of the report template file in order to display the custom fields.

Edit Page

For a custom datatype, the edit page is rendered using the template file


If the edit page for the datatype has no customisation and you are using 


in the edit template file, you do not have to make any changes to include the custom field information in the edit page. 

If you have customised the edit page, make sure to include the line 


in the appropriate location of the edit template file in order to display the custom fields.

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