Opting in or Out of a Custom Form in your Project
Opting Into and Out of Site-wide Forms
When a site-wide form is created within your XNAT, it will automatically be associated with all of the projects present within the instance - as well as all projects that are created in the future.
However, as a project owner, you may wish to remove this association with one of your projects. This is a very simple action to undertake.
- Go to the Project that you wish to remove the form from
- Under Manage -> Custom Form Configuration you should see the following table which will host all of the custom forms relevant to the current Project (site wide forms and project specific forms associated with this Project)
- To opt out of the form simply click the ‘OptOut’ button within the ‘Actions’ column and click ‘Yes’ on the pop-up.
In order to reverse this action and re-associate the form with this project simply click the ‘OptIn’ button within the actions menu which will replace the ‘OptOut’ button after the form has been associated. This can be seen below:
Opting Into and Out of Project-specific Forms
Project specific forms can be opted into and out of in a similar way to the methods shown above for site-wide forms but with one important caveat.
Project owners may not opt out of forms for which the current project is the only project opted in. In this case, project owners will not be provided an opt out button.
If a project owner wishes to opt out of a custom form in this scenario, they should contact a site administrator. See Managing Project Subscriptions to Custom Forms