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XNAT Release Notes

XNAT is a maintenance and bugfix release that addresses several blocker issues that were found in, and then in the release candidate before it could be released. We recommend that any administrators using upgrade immediately to address these issues and facilitate user workflows. 

For anyone upgrading from XNAT or earlier, consult the  XNAT Release Notes , as each of those fixes and feature additions are included in this release.   

Download and Backend Issues Resolved 

  • XNAT-5924: ZIP Downloads were leaving authentication sessions open after downloads completed, causing issues with proxy servers. 
  • XNAT-5522: Large dataset downloads were failing via the ZIP downloader on systems with XML catalog issues 
  • XNAT-5951: Duplicate file names cause incomplete downloads
  • XNAT-5925: Improper caching of data access when user was added to project

Other backend improvements include handling of SOP classes, alias token cleanup, objects in context on session pages, and migration of protocol and internal documentation from the 1.6 branch of XNAT.  

UI Behaviors Improved

  • XNAT-5876: Fix display of apostrophes in project names
  • XNAT-5952: Don't force page reload when deleting scans using the selectable scan table. (Note: problem, sill exists on session edit page.)

Other UI improvements include breadcrumb navigation on Project Settings page, and active-state styling of form buttons. 

Known Issues in the XNAT Release

The release has several known issues that will be addressed in a future release. These issues are considered to be important, but not blockers to release or significant inhibitors of most workflows. Please review these issues closely before upgrading a production version of XNAT. Contact us on the  XNAT Discussion Group  if you have any questions about any of these issues.

  • XNAT-5900: Cannot extend listing actions via the Manage Data Types UI
  • XNAT-5559: Support for Python scripting via the Automation console has been disabled

Compatibility Notes: 

  • Version 1.7.5 of the XNAT Pipeline Engine is fully compatible with XNAT
  • The Selectable Scan Table plugin is not compatible with XNAT or higher and should be removed
  • Setting up LDAP Authentication in XNAT requires the XNAT LDAP Auth plugin. See Configuring Authentication Providers 
  • Version 2.0 of the Container Service plugin is fully compatible with XNAT
  • Version 1.3.3 of the XNAT Project Sync (XSync) plugin is fully compatible with XNAT  

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