XNAT 1.8.3 Release Notes
The 1.8.3 release of XNAT consists of a series of bugfixes and minor improvements, including the hotfix issued as XNAT addressing resource deletion. The primary area of work is in backend archive management.
There are no breaking changes in this release that will affect plugin development.
New Feature: Direct-to-Archive Uploading
When uploading large amounts of data and file I/O becomes expensive, you can optionally remove the step of writing files to the Prearchive before moving them to the Archive, by taking advantage of this new uploading option. Full documentation: Using Direct-to-Archive Uploading
Fixes Related to Project Anonymization
A series of bugs were inadvertently introduced in XNAT 1.8.1 where the presence of a Project Anonymization script would interfere with other session handling, particularly with importing.
- XNAT-6801: Fixed a critical bug that prevented archiving to a shared subject when a project anonymization script was present in the destination project. (This was originally released in XNAT
- XNAT-6859: Fixed a critical bug where project anonymization was interfering with the handling of image sessions where scans had a mix of SOP classes
- XNAT-6865: Fixed a bug where project anonymization was interfering with the splitting of PET/MR sessions into discrete PET and MR image sessions
Fixes and Improvements for DICOM Session Importing
- XNAT-5453: Fixed a critical bug with the XNAT's standard Session Importer where sensitive DICOM fields would be extracted to the session XML prior to anonymization. (Note that this bug was not found in the "Gradual DICOM" session importer or the "DICOM-zip" session importer, both of which are much more commonly used.)
- XNAT-6799: Fixed a critical bug that could become a common scenario using the DICOM Query-Retrieve plugin, where attempting to auto-archive multiple image sessions for the same unknown subject would cause one or more of those sessions to be dropped.
- XNAT-6815: Fixed a critical bug found in XNAT 1.7 where a missing MR scan attribute for "inversion time" on a T1 scan would break session extraction and require a tomcat restart
- XNAT-6837: Improved the DICOM-zip session importer to ignore non-DICOM files found within compressed archives
Fixes and Improvements for Archive and Resource Management
These issues are closely linked with the issues above, as the session importer directly impacts the behavior of the XNAT archive. However, these issues affect the core functionality of the resource archive independent of the session-building process.
- XNAT-6852: Fixed a critical bug where deleting an experiment with no resources (i.e. an image session with no scans, or many clinical subject assessors) could have the result of deleting the entire project archive. (This was originally released in XNAT
- XNAT-6864: Fixed a critical bug where resource deletion failed to remove catalog files
- XNAT-6820: Amended catalog behavior to account for hidden files
- XNAT-6821: Fixed a bug with returning proper file counts on catalog refreshes after a manual file deletion
Multi-node XNAT Fixes
- XNAT-6850: Fixed a critical but rare bug where a multi-node XNAT system with 8 or more front-end servers would see ID collisions during session importing, experiment creation, and subject creation.
Event Service Fixes and Improvements
- XNAT-6806: Introduce smarter behavior to re-enable Event Service subscriptions on restart
- XNAT-6816: "Create Session Assessor" event was missing a payload in XNAT 1.8.2
- XNAT-6818: Resolve a race condition causing null payloads in certain events
- XNAT-6802: Resolve a separate race condition that could cause a "subject assessor created" event to fire before the subject assessor is actually stored in the database
UI and General Fixes
- XNAT-4825: Fixed a broken toggle that caused the PET-MR Split preference for projects to be unable to be returned to the site default setting
- XNAT-6061: Fixed the "Delete Project Data" page to properly handle data belonging to shared subjects that cannot be deleted by the current project user
- XNAT-6797: Fixed the DICOM Object Identifier field display in the list of SCP Receivers
- XNAT-6826: Update project counts properly when creating a new private project