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XNAT Release Notes

XNAT is a hotfix release that addresses a number of issues affecting data storage and user authentication, including regressions inadvertently introduced in XNAT 1.8.9. This release does not introduce any breaking changes for plugin compatibility, but it does enable the release of OpenID Authentication Plugin version 1.3.1. 

User Authentication Fixes

  • XNAT-5563Use the same regex validation for all methods of username creation, allowing for username strings created by LDAP or OpenID servers 
  • XNAT-7860: Remove 24-character limit on username field and allow for new user creation via OpenID without re-entry of username

Data Storage and Permissions Fixes

  • XNAT-7865: Fix permission management on stored searches 
  • XNAT-7868: Restore storage mechanisms for custom fields to re-enable batch sharing capabilities
  • XNAT-7869: Restore ability to store datetime formats in experiment metadata
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