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Anonymization Script Answer Key


-(0010,0030) //Remove Patient Birth Date
-(0010,1000) //Remove Other Patient IDs
-(0010,1001) //Remove Other Patient Names
-(0010,1005) //Remove Patient’s Birth Name
-(0010,1040) //Remove Patient's Address
(0012,0063) := "My XNAT sitewide anon script v01"
(0020,000D) := new UID     // Study Instance UID
(0020,000E) := new UID     // Series Instance UID

Project Level

project ~ "[0-9A-Za-z]+" : (0008,1030) := project
subject ~ "[0-9A-Za-z]+" : (0010,0010) := subject
session ~ "[0-9A-Za-z]+" : (0010,0020) := session
session := makeSessionLabel[format["{0}_v##_{1}", subject, lowercase[modalityLabel]]]
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