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Part 2: XNAT Container Service

This practical exercise will focus on demonstrating some of the functionality of the XNAT Container Service. This service provides a binding between information stored in XNAT and the processing utility available in Docker containers. While in alpha-stage development, many of the prospective features can be exercised via XNAT's REST API. In future versions, users will be able to access these feature using the familiar XNAT GUI or continue using the REST interface.

Tip: Easy Button Access to the XNAT REST API

The commands issued throughout this exercise are sent to XNAT via the REST API. In the instructions for this Practical we will interact with that REST API using XNAT's Swagger pages.

However, if you feel more comfortable using raw JSON and a familiar REST client (like curl, python requests, or XnatDataClient) rather than Swagger, you can do so. You may have to translate the instructions a bit to get things to work, but it should not be too hard to do. Just ask one of the XNAT staff for help if you need it.


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