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Data Sharing API

Data sharing and permissions in XNAT are a complex topic. For more detail on what sharing behaviors are supported in XNAT, see How To Share Data in XNAT.

Share Subject And Its Experiments Into A New Project

PUT - /data/projects/{original-project-id}/subjects/{subject-id | subject-label}/projects/{shared-project-id}



Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that owns a given subject.

{subject-id} or {subject-label}

Required path parameter.


Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that you intend a subject to be shared into.

Logged-in user must have ownership permissions in the shared project.


Optional querystring parameter. Specify a new label for this subject that will be used in the shared project, if desired.


Optional querystring parameter.

  • If set to "true", you are changing the primary ownership of the subject from the original project to the new project.

Logged-in user must have ownership permissions in both projects to change the primary ownership.


Optional querystring parameter. Specify the format of the returned response.

  • html (default)

  • json

  • xml

  • csv

Response Codes




Forbidden – User does not have permission to perform the requested operation


Not Found – Project ID not recognized


Conflict – Attempting to write data into an XNAT object that already exists

Response Format
Returns the subject metadata from the original project

Get A List Of Shared Projects Associated With A Subject

This query will return a list of all projects associated with a subject. The root project ID in the URI can be either a project that owns the subject or a shared project.

GET - /data/projects/{project-id}/subjects/{subject-id | subject-label}/projects



Required path parameter

{subject-id} or {subject-label}

Required path parameter


Optional querystring parameter. Specify the format of the returned response.

  • html (default)

  • json

  • xml

  • csv

Response Format
Displaying JSON results. Note that the response does not specify which project owns a subject.

  "ResultSet": {
    "Result": [
        "label": "string",
        "ID": "string",
        "Secondary_ID": "string",
        "Name": "string"

Share An Experiment Into A New Project

Sharing an experiment by itself has no effect if the subject that owns the experiment is not also shared.

PUT - /data/projects/{original-project-id}/subjects/{subject-id | subject-label}/experiments/{experiment-id | experiment-label}/projects/{shared-project-id}



Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that owns a given subject.

{subject-id} or {subject-label}

Required path parameter.

{experiment-id} or {experiment-label}

Required path parameter.


Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that you intend a subject to be shared into.

Logged-in user must have ownership permissions in the shared project.


Optional querystring parameter. Specify a new label for this experiment that will be used in the shared project, if desired.


Optional querystring parameter.

  • If set to "true", you are changing the primary ownership of the experiment from the original project to the new project.

Logged-in user must have ownership permissions in both projects to change the primary ownership.

Response Codes




Forbidden (User does not have permission to perform the requested operation)


Project Not Found


Conflict Found – Attempting to share data into an object that already exists

Response Format

Returns the experiment accession ID as a string

Get A List Of Shared Projects Associated With An Experiment

GET - /data/projects/{original-project-id}/subjects/{subject-id | subject-label}/experiments/{experiment-id | experiment-label}/projects



Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that owns a given subject.

{subject-id} or {subject-label}

Required path parameter.

{experiment-id} or {experiment-label}

Required path parameter.


Optional querystring parameter. Specify the format of the returned response.

  • html (default)

  • json

  • xml

  • csv


Displaying JSON results. Note that the response does not specify which project owns an experiment.

  "ResultSet": {
    "Result": [
        "label": "string",
        "ID": "string",
        "Secondary_ID": "string",
        "Name": "string"

Sharing Image Assessors into a new project does not have much effect unless you share the subject record as well. See Subject Sharing API.

Share An Image Assessor Into A New Project

PUT - /data/projects/{original-project-id}/subjects/{subject-id}/experiments/{session-id}/assessors/{assessor-id}/projects/{shared-project-id}



Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that owns a given image assessor.

{subject-id} or {subject-label}

Required path parameter.

{experiment-id} or {experiment-label}

Required path parameter.

{assessor-id} or {assessor-label}

Required path parameter.


Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that you intend a subject to be shared into.

Logged-in user must have ownership permissions in the shared project.


Optional querystring parameter. Specify a new label for this assessor that will be used in the shared project, if desired.


Optional querystring parameter.

  • If set to "true", you are changing the primary ownership of the assessor from the original project to the new project.

Logged-in user must have ownership permissions in both projects to change the primary ownership.

Response Codes




Forbidden (User does not have permission to perform the requested operation)


Project Not Found


Conflict Found – Attempting to share data into an object that already exists

Response Format

Returns the assessor's experiment accession ID as a string

Get A List Of Shared Projects Associated With An Image Assessor

GET - /data/projects/{original-project-id}/subjects/{subject-id}/experiments/{session-id}/assessors/{assessor-id}/projects



Required path parameter. Specify the ID of the project that owns a given image assessor.

{subject-id} or {subject-label}

Required path parameter.

{session-id} or {session-label}

Required path parameter.

{assessor-id} or {assessor-label}

Required path parameter.


Optional querystring parameter. Specify the format of the returned response.

  • html (default)

  • json

  • xml

  • csv


Displaying JSON results. Note that the response does not specify which project owns an experiment

  "ResultSet": {
    "Result": [
        "label": "string",
        "ID": "string",
        "Secondary_ID": "string",
        "Name": "string"
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