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How to Query the XNAT Search Engine with REST API


Get All MR Sessions In The OASIS Cross-Sectional Study

The XNAT search engine can be queried via the REST API. Here's a quick demonstration using XNAT Central. First, you will need a sample search xml:

Show XML Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xdat:search ID="" allow-diff-columns="0" secure="false" brief-description="MR Sessions"
 xmlns:xdat="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <xdat:header>MR ID</xdat:header>
    <xdat:search_where method="OR">
        <xdat:criteria override_value_formatting="0">
        <xdat:criteria override_value_formatting="0">

This search queries for all mrSessionData objects that are owned by the CENTRAL_OASIS_CS project or shared into the CENTRAL_OASIS_CS project.

  • The <xdat:root_element_name> determines which data type you are returning. There will be one row per matching entry of this type.
  • You can add fields from other data types using <xdat:search_field> elements. You can put any XNAT xsiTypes into the <xdat:element_name> field. The field_ID must match a <DisplayField> in the display documents for that data-type.
  • The search criteria can reference either display fields from the display documents, or schema fields themselves using XPATH.

You can retrieve the search results for this search by perfoming a POST of this document to /data/archive/search. You can customize the format of the results using the format=xml,csv,html,json querystring variable. The xml can be posted in the BODY of your HTML message, or attached as a separate file.

To test this:


$ curl -X POST -u user:password -F "file=@central_all_OASIS_MRS.xml"

Get A Filtered List Of MR Scans From XNAT Central

Here is a second, more interesting search, which gets all of the MR sessions which your account has access to WHERE the DERIVED_AGE is > 90 and the session contains at least one MPRAGE scan.

Download XML Search File: central_all_sessions_with_MPRAGE_by_type.xml

Show XML Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xdat:search ID="" allow-diff-columns="0" secure="false" brief-description="MR Sessions" xmlns:cnda="" xmlns:arc="" xmlns:pipe="" xmlns:fs="" xmlns:wrk="" xmlns:xdat="" xmlns:cat="" xmlns:prov="" xmlns:xnat="" xmlns:xnat_a="" xmlns:xsi="" >
        <xdat:header>MR ID</xdat:header>
    <xdat:search_where method="AND">
        <xdat:criteria override_value_formatting="0">
        <xdat:criteria override_value_formatting="0">

Build Your Own Search Filter With Element Queries

You can use either example XML file as a starting point for your search. For a list of the available data types you can use in your searches, use this query:

Terminal Window

$ curl -u user:password

This will return a CSV formatted list of xsiTypes that can be queried in XNAT Central. Using the returned xsiType names, you can retrieve the fields for the data types of interest.

Terminal Window

$ curl -u user:password
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