Introduction and Feature List
NRG_Selenium is a Java framework built on Selenium designed to power automated testing on XNAT-based systems. Current mature prrojects using the framework include a base XNAT test suite, and CNDA Pipeline tests, with plans to branch out into TIP pipeline tests, Visits & Protocols tests, and CNDA-specific webapp tests. With this framework, you have at the tip of your fingers:
- Integration of testNG to define complex test interaction and complex setup behavior.
- Integration of REST Assured to easily perform REST calls to the XNAT server.
- Integration of Java Mail to read emails sent to a gmail account. Additionally, an email can be sent with the gmail account with a summary of test status upon completion.
- Integration of DcmSnd from dcm4che to modify and send DICOM to your XNAT's DICOM Receiver.
- Integration with JIRA, Zephyr, & ZAPI to allow automated posting of finely-grained test execution results. Read more here.
- Predefined XNAT convenience methods and selectors to identify common XNAT web elements to streamline writing tests.
- Extensible pipeline test methods to drastically reduce the steps in writing a pipeline test. Read more here.
- Screenshot functionality capable of only capturing certain parts of the page based on WebElement objects. Fully compatible with JIRA integration.