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Common Data Types


We're interested in compiling a list of all of the various custom data types people have implemented.  From this list, we'll find overlap and attempt to harmonize across them.  We'll also identify and prioritize data types to be modularized and added to XNAT Marketplace.  Please add a section for your group and list out the data types you have.  A brief description would be helpful.


Freesurfer: captures ASEG and APARC data in specific fields and holds the various freesurfer generated files.

SCID: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

UDS: Alzheimer Uniform Data Set (many subtypes)

ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

Centre for Stroke Recovery


BBS: Berg Balance Scale

CBS: Caregiver Burden Scale

CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale

CMSA: Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment

FIM: Functional Independence Measures

IADL: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

MOCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment

NIHSS: National Institute of Health Stroke Scale

SAS: Sensation and Strength Scale

SCP: Scale for Contraverse Pushing

SIS: Stroke Impact Scale

TMWT: Two-Minute Walk Test

VPS: Vitality Plus Scale

NeuroImaging Research Group/s (NIDA/NIAAA -NIH)

(Not the datatypes 'we have' , but rather the datatypes 'we use' and hence 'would like to have' in XNAT)

AFNI: (which might be an acronym for Analysis of Functional NeuroImages)  file types : .BRIK , .HEAD files.


The Cancer Imaging Archive (NCI/CIP) -

We have not yet deployed XNAT either, but these are the things we have outside of XNAT right now that we'd potentially like to store there.

  1. VASARI: This is a neuroimaging feature set we're using to evaluate brain data (kind of like the NIH Stroke Score example).  General info about the feature set:
  2.  We're utilizing AIM data in a variety of ways.  Some of the aforementioned VASARI (and other similar feature sets) data is stored in AIM format. 
  3. We're starting to collect other segmentation markup data like NRRD from 3D Slicer.
  4. RT-STRUCT and RT-DOSE - while we're currently able to store it as DICOM it's not query-able so we'd like to tease out some of the key info to allow that.
  5. We may soon have use cases for storing genetics and proteomics data.  Don't have many details about what exactly this will look like yet.
  6. Have you investigated other CDE databases?  NCI has large libraries of curated case report forms made up of defined terms from controlled ontologies like SNOMED, RADLEX, NCI Thesaurus, etc.  See  There may be others that expand outside of cancer that are maintained at the NIH level but I'm not sure.

Group Name

Data type: Description

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