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The Future of XNAT


XNAT has followed annual(ish) releases for the last several years, with XNAT 1.6 pending release in mid-July.  We plan to continue this release schedule and have begun developing the specifications for 1.7 and 2.0.  In this presentation, I will be highlighting the big features that are currently planned for 1.7 and 2.0.  I look forward to getting feedback from attendees.


XNATWorkshop_Roadmap.pptx: My slides

XNAT 2.0 Functional Requirements Specification: Formal design specification for the XNAT 2.0 user interface

XNAT 2.0 Design Preview: Web preview of the XNAT 2.0 user interface

Letter of Support Template: Please consider contributing a letter to accompany the upcoming XNAT renewal.  Letters need to be returned by Monday, July 2!


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