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XSync Plugin Changelog and Release Notes

Version 1.8.0 as of Sep 25, 2024

  • XNAT-7990, XNAT-8037, PLUGINS-195: Support dependency updates for XNAT 1.9.0 compatibility

  • PLUGINS-76: Properly handle paginated API calls in building data manifests for sync

  • PLUGINS-136: Fix reporting on sync results to account for instance file rejection during anonymization

Requires XNAT 1.9.0 or newer

Version 1.7.0 As of March 1, 2023

  • PLUGINS-130 Support instance file rejection in DicomEdit 6.5 anon scripts in xsync anonymization

Requires XNAT 1.8.10 or newer

Version 1.6.0 As of June 15, 2022

  • Fixed handling of resource files which when zipped generate a large size file.

  • Max. Total Uncompressed File Size Setting decides size of a single zip file and generates smaller chunks.

  • Fixed history table and email text wrt display of completion date.

Version 1.5.0 As of October 11, 2022

  • Added a synchronization tab on the subject report page. The subject meta-data and the resources at the subject level can be synced on demand. Experiments will not sync. Only Site Admins/Project Owners and Members can start the re-sync

  • Removed eval filter type

Requires XNAT 1.8.3 or newer

Version 1.4.0 As of March 4, 2021

Fixes to make XSync compatible with XNAT 1.8.0.

Support for asynchronous xar import for large xars

Made custom identifiers (aka re-labelers) functional

Bugfixes around handling secondary scans and duplicated scan IDs.

Version 1.3.5 As of October 15, 2020

Added ability to modify fields, within a datatype, which contain references to subject IDs or image session IDs. See section on Datatype Transformation Before Sync

Version 1.3.3 As of February 4, 2019

Fixes to make XSync compatible with XNAT 1.7.5.

Version As of May 2, 2018

Minor bugfix release to fix compatibility issue with other plugins that supply an ExecutorService bean

Version 1.3.2 As of Nov 14, 2017

Added functionality for custom Id generator and download mapping data(supports XNAT version and above).

Version 1.3.1 As of Aug 9, 2017

XAPI and other changes for compatibility with latest XNAT version code.

Version 1.3.1 As of June 14, 2017

XAPI and other changes for compatibility with latest XNAT version 1.7.3-SNAPSHOT code.

Version 1.3 As of May 23, 2017

Revised sync blocking behavior with a service and UI for reporting on current sync status.

Fix for issue where sessions were sometimes sent without files.

Fix for issue where sessions can fail to sync if they are arriving when a sync is kicked off.

Fix for issue where data can be overwritten if configured URL is modified to point to a shadow server.

Version 1.2 May 3, 2017

Xsync Token Refresh Issue fixed

Xsync File Transfer verification added. This results in new Sync statuses, viz.,


Ability to sync a single experiment out of sync cycle.

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