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Setting up Container Service on Kubernetes

The audience for this doc is admins who will be enabling the Container Service to run containers on a Kubernetes cluster.


You must have a Kubernetes cluster, or the ability to create one. Creating and administering a Kubernetes cluster is a big topic that is outside the scope of this document. However, in a later section we will present an example of setting up a non-production cluster using minikube.

The XNAT archive and build directories must be persistently mounted on all nodes in your cluster. This is currently a requirement for the Container Service to work on any compute backend, including standalone Docker and Docker Swarm.

You must provide a Kubernetes configuration file in a standard location for the Container Service to read. You cannot at time of writing configure access to the Kubernetes cluster from within the XNAT UI using the usual settings for Configuring a Compute Backend. We will provide more detail below of what files you need and where they must go, depending on some details of how you are running your XNAT.

Best Practices

These are not required for the Container Service to function on Kubernetes, but we do recommend them.

  • Create a Namespace on your cluster dedicated to the Container Service.

  • A Service Account configured to access the resources Container Service needs within the Namespace

The best practice for administering a long-running process that needs access to the Kubernetes cluster API is to create a Service Account for it and give that Service Account access to only the API resources it needs using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). The Container Service is exactly that kind of long-running process, so we recommend creating a dedicated Service Account for it.

The Container Service only requires fairly limited permissions to cluster resources. It does need full permissions on Jobs, since those are the objects it creates to run containers. It also needs read permissions on Pods and their logs. In our default setup we also enable get permissions on the API health endpoint /readyz to verify the cluster connection.

If you choose not to create a dedicated Namespace or Service Account, everything should work fine. The Container Service will simply run in the default namespace with the default account.

Cluster Configuration

We have written a script which is available in the container-service repo here to automate creating a Namespace and Service Account and configuring the Account with all the permissions it needs using RBAC. (Technically the afore-linked script will both create the cluster resources and also create a kubeconfig file. The cluster resources part is contained in a partner script here. The second part about the kubeconfig will be discussed in the next section.)

If you prefer to do the configuration yourself rather than run our script, please feel free to do so. The part of the script relevant to configuring the namespace and service account follows. Please review it to ensure whatever configuration you set up has the same permissions.

# Values for cluster configuration

# Apply cluster configuration
echo "Configuring cluster"
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: ${namespace}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: ${service_account}
  namespace: ${namespace}
kind: Role
  name: ${job_role}
  namespace: ${namespace}
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods/log"]
  verbs: ["get"]
- apiGroups: ["batch"]
  resources: ["jobs"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
kind: ClusterRole
  name: ${api_ready_role}
  - nonResourceURLs: ["/readyz", "/readyz/*"]
    verbs: ["get"]
kind: RoleBinding
  name: ${job_role_binding}
  namespace: ${namespace}
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: ${service_account}
  kind: Role
  name: ${job_role}
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: ${api_ready_role_binding}
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: ${service_account}
  namespace: ${namespace}
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: ${api_ready_role}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ${service_account_secret}
  namespace: ${namespace}
  annotations: ${service_account}


  • The ${namespace} value is an input argument to the script and can be whatever you wish. The default value in the script is "container-service".

  • The Role and RoleBinding are the minimum permissions required by the container service to function.

  • The ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding are currently optional, but may become required in the future.

  • We create a secret containing a non-expiring authentication token for the service account. This token is how the container service will authenticate as the service account when communicating with the cluster.

Passing Configuration to the Container Service

In order to access the Kubernetes cluster, any client must know where to connect to the cluster and how to authenticate. Typically, this is accomplished from outside the cluster using a kubeconfig file and from within the cluster—i.e. a service running in a pod—using a service account token automatically mounted into the pod.

At time of writing, the Container Service does not provide any user interface for configuring the connection to a Kubernetes cluster. Instead, it can discover the required Kubernetes configuration from files in the standard locations, which it checks in this order:

  • An environment variable $KUBECONFIG containing the path to a kubeconfig file.

  • A kubeconfig file at $CATALINA_HOME/.kube/config.

  • Files in /var/run/secrets/ This is where Kubernetes mounts credentials for service accounts in pods. See Accessing the Kubernetes API from a Pod for more.

If you are running your XNAT outside the Kubernetes cluster, use one of the first two mechanisms to put a kubeconfig file where XNAT can read it. If the kubeconfig file contains multiple contexts, the Container Service will use whichever one is set to the "current context". If you used the automated script to set up the Namespace and Service Account, it will also create a kubeconfig file that is set up with all the necessary information.

If you are running your XNAT in a pod within the Kubernetes cluster, you could use any of the three mechanisms to provide credentials. If you use the third mechanism, then you must ensure that the pod's service account has permissions to all the required resources described in the Best Practices section.

Creating a Kubeconfig File

EKS config

If you run your cluster using AWS EKS, the EKS instructions tell you to generate a kubeconfig using the command aws eks update-kubeconfig. The kubeconfig generated in this way is fine for normal users, but at this time it is not supported by the Container Service. Even with EKS clusters you should generate a kubeconfig that authenticates using a service account token as described below.

Our configuration script will create a kubeconfig file containing the information that the Container Service needs to connect to the Kubernetes cluster as the proper ServiceAccount.

If you prefer to build this file yourself, or if you want to know what it does, we will go over the contents of the script. (Technically the afore-linked script will both create the cluster resources and also create a kubeconfig file. The cluster resources part was discussed in a pervious section. The second part about the kubeconfig is in a partner script here.)

The script takes four inputs:

1. The path to the output kubeconfig file. In the code below this is called $kubeconfig.
2. The namespace, called $namespace.
3. (Optional) The service account, called $service_account. If omitted the default value is ${namespace}-account.
4. (Optional) The name of a secret containing a token to authenticate as the service account, called $service_account_secret. If omitted the defaults value is ${namespace}-account-secret.

We will discuss the script in detail. The first step is to read your current user's preexisting kubernetes configuration to find the path to the cluster.

context=$(kubectl config current-context)
cluster=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.contexts[?("'$context'")].context.cluster}')
server=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[?("'$cluster'")].cluster.server}')

If you have multiple clusters configured, please ensure that the one you intend for the Container Service to use is set as the "current context".

The next step is to read the token and certificate data for the ServiceAccount's Secret. The user running these commands must have permissions to get Secrets within the given Namespace.

# Service account secrets
token=$(kubectl --namespace $namespace get secret/$service_account_secret -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
# Write certificate data to temp file
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/}$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX")
kubectl --namespace $namespace get secret/$service_account_secret -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode > $ca_crt

The final step is to write all the required values into a new kubeconfig file at the given location.

# This will be the name of the user and the context within the kubeconfig file

# Write data to kubeconfig file
kubectl config set-cluster "${cluster}" \
    --kubeconfig="${kubeconfig}" \
    --server="${server}" \
    --certificate-authority="${ca_crt}" \

kubectl config set-credentials "${user_name}" \
    --kubeconfig="${kubeconfig}" \

kubectl config set-context "${context_name}" \
    --kubeconfig="${kubeconfig}" \
    --cluster="${cluster}" \
    --user="${user_name}" \

kubectl config use-context "${context_name}" --kubeconfig="${kubeconfig}"

The kubeconfig file that the script creates at the path given by the input $kubeconfig contains all the information the Container Service needs to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.

The last step is to make that kubeconfig file accessible to the tomcat process running XNAT. The easiest way is to put the file at the path .kube/config within your tomcat's home directory $CATALINA_HOME. The Container Service can find the file there without any other configuration. If you prefer to put the file elsewhere, the path to that file can be set in an environment variable $KUBECONFIG which must be available in the tomcat process's environment.

Cluster Setup Example

The first step in getting the Container Service to use Kubernetes is to have a Kubernetes cluster. There are many ways this can be accomplished, and we won't cover every possibility here. But we will present an example setup using minikube.

The instructions to follow should be run from a terminal...

  • that has access to the XNAT filesystem, such as your tomcat server, so we can create the required mounts, and

  • with system administrator access but not logged in as root, which is a minikube requirement.

minikube background

minikube sets up a small, local Kubernetes cluster. It runs all the Kubernetes infrastructure inside whatever VM manager or container runtime you have available. If you have, say, docker running, minikube will deploy all the Kubernetes components as docker containers. minikube is not the best choice for production, as the entire cluster is contained within a single VM on a single machine. In fact, according to the minikube FAQ,

minikube’s primary goal is to quickly set up local Kubernetes clusters, and therefore we strongly discourage using minikube in production...

For production clusters you could look at the Kubernetes docs on Deploying a cluster with kubeadm, or if you deploy to the cloud look into your cloud provider's native Kubernetes solution. In the meantime minikube will get you started.


We can follow the minikube Get Started! docs. To install, we must first choose our installation platform; in our example we will install from a binary download on Linux x86-64.

curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

Create a cluster

We can create the cluster using the minikube start command. This command has many options if you want to customize the cluster configuration. For instance, the --cpus and --memory options are useful to set the resources available to the cluster. The default (and minimum) number of CPUs is 2. The default memory isn't documented; it may be system dependent. On my example installation the default was 7900 MB.

Before we actually start the cluster, however, we will discuss file mounts. We will need to mount the XNAT archive and build directories into the cluster. This is currently a requirement for the Container Service to work on any compute backend. We may need to use the Path Translation settings if the mounts are created within the cluster at a different path than where XNAT sees them outside. But if we mount both directories into the cluster so that the paths inside and outside the cluster are the same, we won't need to use Path Translation.

How do mounts work with minikube? We can pass options to minikube start that will create a mount for us, but only one. If you can create one mount point that contains both your archive and build directories, and you are comfortable also mounting everything else contained there, this will work for you. If instead you need to create multiple mount points you will have to create them after minikube start by running minikube mount. But that command starts a process that must continue running for the mount to be available, so you will likely want to put it into the background and use nohup so it does not end when your terminal session does.

In my example the XNAT archive path is /opt/data/archive and the build directory is /opt/data/build. I am able to mount the /opt/data directory into my cluster and get both directories that I need. That means I am able to mount the directories at minikube start time.

$ minikube start --mount --mount-string /opt/data:/opt/data
😄  minikube v1.25.2 on Amazon 2
✨  Automatically selected the docker driver. Other choices: none, ssh
👍  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
🚜  Pulling base image ...
💾  Downloading Kubernetes v1.23.3 preload ...
    > preloaded-images-k8s-v17-v1...: 505.68 MiB / 505.68 MiB  100.00% 242.29 M
    > 379.06 MiB / 379.06 MiB  100.00% 85.29 MiB p
🔥  Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=7900MB) ...
🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.23.3 on Docker 20.10.12 ...
    ▪ kubelet.housekeeping-interval=5m
    ▪ Generating certificates and keys ...
    ▪ Booting up control plane ...
    ▪ Configuring RBAC rules ...
🔎  Verifying Kubernetes components...
    ▪ Using image
🌟  Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass
🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default

Run a test job

We can test that our cluster is up and that we can correctly mount things by running a test job.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: mount-test
  backoffLimit: 0
  ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 600
        - name: mounty
          image: busybox:latest
          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
          args: ["ls /datapath"]
            - name: data
              mountPath: /datapath
        - name: data
            path: /opt/data
      restartPolicy: Never

This is a definition for a job which will create a pod that will mount /opt/data from the host into a container and run ls on that mount. Note that we have two steps of mounting indirection: one mount from our server into the Kubernetes cluster, and another mount from a node in the cluster into the container. If you have mounted your XNAT data at a different location within your cluster, you can change the value of .spec.volumes[0].hostPath.path in the above yaml from /opt/data to wherever your data are mounted.

We can use this specification to start a job by writing the above yaml to a file, say testjob.yaml, and running

kubectl apply -f testjob.yaml

We expect to see the output

job.batch/mount-test created

If we look at the logs we should see the results of the ls command on our mounted directory, which we expect should be the archive and build directories. For me, that output is

$ kubectl logs --selector="job-name=mount-test"

That's what we wanted. This shows us our cluster is running, we can run jobs on it, and we have mounted our XNAT archive into the minikube cluster and into a container within that cluster.

Next Steps

Configuring PVC Volume Mounting within a Kubernetes Cluster

See: PVC Volume Mounting

Installing Command Definitions

See: Installing Command Definitions in a Kubernetes Environment

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