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Admin UI - Pipeline Processing Settings

In XNAT version 1.9 onwards, the Pipeline Engine Framework now requires two components:

Please note that some settings are now available in the Plugin Settings menu.

Pipeline Settings in the Site Admin UI

You may wish to use a URL different than the site URL when running pipelines. This can be configured from the Pipeline Settings tab within the Admin UI. Go to Administer > Site Administration and select the Pipeline Settings tab.

Setting / Property Name



Processing Url


Whatever you enter here will be passed into pipelines as the -host command line argument. If you do not enter a processing URL, the site URL will be used for processing pipelines. Any changes to this setting take effect immediately and all future pipelines will be launched with the updated command line argument.

Site-wide config properties can be accessed via REST at /xapi/siteConfig/values/{property-name}.

Site-wide config properties can be access programmatically in Velocity via $siteConfig.{property-name}.

AutoRun Settings

XNAT no longer requires the AutoRun pipeline for receiving DICOM image session data and generating snapshots. However, you may still opt in to using it, with the XNAT Pipeline Engine plugin installed. Go to Administer > Plugin Settings > Pipeline Settings.

Setting / Property Name



Launch AutoRun


Determines whether XNAT should launch the AutoRun pipeline as new sessions are archived. Requires the pipeline engine to be installed at the location stored in the pipelinePath site configuration option.


Allow Project Override


Determines whether Project Owners can enable or disable the AutoRun pipeline for their projects, regardless of the site-wide setting.


See Configuring the Use of the AutoRun Pipeline

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