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Upgrading From Beta

Upgrading from Beta to V1 of the XNAT JupyterHub integration involves a few changes and steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Docker Image Selection: In the Beta version, users selected from a list of Docker images. However, in V1, this has been replaced with a more comprehensive Jupyter environment configuration. This new approach provides enhanced flexibility and customization options for Jupyter server setups.

  2. CPU and Memory Configuration: Previously, CPU and memory limits and reservations were managed as a general plugin setting. In V1, this functionality has been replaced with Hardware configurations. This allows for more granular control over hardware resources associated with Jupyter server deployments.

  3. Configuration Updates: After upgrading, you will need to configure new Jupyter environments and Hardware settings to align with the changes introduced in V1. This involves defining the desired Jupyter software environments and specifying the hardware configurations for Jupyter server deployments.

To perform the upgrade, follow these steps:

  1. Stop XNAT: Before initiating the upgrade process, ensure that XNAT is stopped.

  2. Update your JupyterHub compose YAML: In your JupyterHub compose yaml file, modify the xnat/jupyterhub version to 1.0.0. This ensures that you are using the latest version of the XNAT JupyterHub integration.

  3. Deploy Plugin: Follow the Deploying Plugins in XNAT documentation, using the latest version of the xnat-jupyterhub-plugin JAR file. This ensures that the plugin is updated to the latest version.

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