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XNAT ML 1.0.0 Release Notes

The datatype schema definitions have changed in the core ML plugin as of version 1.0.0, from using the "clara:" root to using the "ml:" root. This is a breaking change that will not support usage of data generated on XNAT ML Beta setups. If you wish to migrate data from an ML Beta instance, see Migrating XNAT ML data from Beta to Production

The bulk of the functionality of the XNAT ML Beta release has been retained in the 1.0.0 release. For the most part, this release consists of feature hardening, UI cleanup, and minor compatibility updates to coincide with finalized versions of XNAT 1.8 and dependent plugins. The 1.0.0 release also introduces semantic changes to the naming of core elements, including the datatype XSD namespace, Javascript namespaces and API endpoints.


Semantic Changes

  • "xnatx-clara-plugin" repository renamed as ml-plugin
  • "xnatx-collections-plugin" repository renamed as datasets-plugin
  • xsitypes refactored:
    • clara:model → ml:model
    • clara:trainConfig → ml:trainConfig
    • clara:trainSession → ml:trainSession
    • dataset resources converted to references
  • "/clara" API paths refactored to "/ml" paths
  • "Clara" renamed to "ML" or "Machine Learning" in several parts of the plugin UI
  • JavaScript namespace "XNAT.plugin.clara" refactored to ""

Demo Changes

  • The "xnat/clara-train-v3" container image version has been updated to 1.0, and now includes a command for development testing that will launch training without requiring a local GPU setup

Access Changes

  • Access to ML Dashboard and Datasets Dashboard restricted to Project Owners and Site Admins
  • "View In TensorBoard" functionality disabled by default. This can be enabled in the Plugin Settings UI

Functional Improvements and Feature Hardening

  • Improve scalability of datasets
  • Improve communication of training container status back to XNAT
  • Handle empty values in config for training/validation/test without failing
  • Improve XML upload handling and rationalize XML structure of ML datatypes
  • Handle dataset creation failures if a selected resource collection is empty

UI Cleanup

  • Fix and rationalize links to the Training Dashboard and Datasets Dashboard throughout
  • Include in-application help text and links to documentation
  • Improve form validation in several places to keep users from falling into blind alleys or frozen screens
  • Improve display of edit and report pages for models, configurations, training datasets, and training runs
  • Enable "Delete" actions and fix Manage Files display on ML datatype report pages
  • Improve error reporting

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Known Issues with XNAT ML 1.0.0 / XNAT 1.8.0

There are several known issues with the release version of the XNAT ML plugins. These issues are the highest priority.

XNAT-6589Datasets are not tied to canonical copies of data files; changes to XNAT session metadata can invalidate previously saved datasetsManual practices in data control can reduce this risk but can't eliminate it
XNAT-6622Dataset creation can deliver results different from what is predicted by the validation process, when more than one "match" is foundRefine your dataset filter parameters or your data structure to deliver a single matching file
XNAT-6657Datasets cannot be created using shared data in a projectAssemble all data to be included in a training dataset into a single project, without using sharing
XNAT-6680Downloaded model zip structure does not match the structure expected by XNAT when uploading modelsUnzip and repackage downloaded models before uploading. See Installing a Model


There is no warning in the UI when empty dataset results are createdDelete empty datasets and revisit your filter parameters and/or data structure
XNAT-6710The XNAT Event Service does not support XNAT ML datatypes (models, configs, training runs), or other "project assets"None, yet
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