Releasing XNAT + JupyterHub Integration 1.0 + XSync 1.6

XNAT JupyterHub Integration 1.0
Version 1.0 of the XNAT JupyterHub Integration plugin has been released, building off of the beta that we released in November of 2022. This release introduces user authorization controls and adds flexibility for managing deployment environments.
Add support for Docker Swarm environment controls for running Jupyter Notebooks on Swarm nodes
Add user authorization controls, providing greater control over which users can run Jupyter Notebooks
Upgrading is easy!
If you installed the XNAT JupyterHub Beta, there is a simple upgrade path to move to the production 1.0 version. See the XNAT JupyterHub Integration Upgrade Instructions.
Download JupyterHub Integration Plugin
Getting Started | Documentation

XNAT Is Now Available
XNAT has been released and is ready to install. This version of XNAT enables a useful new feature in the XNAT Project Sync plugin version 1.6.
Added support in core XNAT for setting a max file size threshold in the XSync plugin for compressing and transferring large resource files, for improved reliability
Fixed a bug in resource survey reports regarding non-actionable duplicate files
Released XSync Plugin version 1.6
Other than these changes, this release contains the same updates as XNAT 1.8.8, including:
Initial release of the Custom Forms functionality
Improvements to DICOM importing
Improvements to managing user accounts
Added support for DicomEdit 6.5
Also, this release is fully compatible with version 1.0 of the XNAT-JupyterHub Integration plugin. Review the XNAT release notes for a full listing of updates, and a demonstration of the changes to the site navigation.
Upgrading is (fairly) easy!
The upgrade path from XNAT 1.8 to XNAT is as easy as configuring your war file for the version of Tomcat you're running and dropping the new war file in place. Upgrading from the XNAT 1.7.x line is only mildly more arduous. See the XNAT Upgrade Instructions.
Download XNAT
Installation Instructions | XNAT Documentation
Posted Jul 11, 2023