XNAT 2010 Workshop - Case Study - Manual QC
As part of a multi-center study, we needed to model Manual Quality Control (QC) assessors and create a tool to upload QCs that were performed in an external system into the CNDA. This talk will discuss the process of creating a custom assessor and creating a specialized tool for transform CSV data into XML that is posted to XNAT's REST API. We will also cover some of the lessons learned from the process as well as evaluate the use of the Groovy programming language for interacting with the REST API.
Date: 06/30/10
Time: 11:15 AM
Presenter(s): John Paulett
Location: Connor Auditorium
- Study's Requirements
- Development Process
- Custom Assessor
- Upload Tool
- Challenges
- Take Away points
- Pros & Cons of using Groovy
Handout: Case Study - DIAN QC Upload.pdf
- Presentation: DIAN QC Case Study.pdf