XNAT 2010 Workshop - DICOM Services
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is the industry standard for medical imaging data. It includes a complex model for data representation, used for image and metadata storage and exchange. XNAT can use DICOM network services to receive data either directly from imaging devices, from dedicated DICOM workstations, or from such utilities as OsiriX or DicomBrowser. XNAT translates the DICOM metadata when sessions are placed in the archive so that relevant details can be viewed and used as search parameters. DICOM workstations can use XNAT Gateway to access archived sessions using DICOM services instead of the XNAT web application.
In this session, we will discuss how XNAT interoperates with DICOM from the user's perspective, and how XNAT administrators can configure and customize XNAT's DICOM services.
Date: 06/28/10
Time: 1:00 PM
Presenter(s): Kevin Archie, Mikhail Milchenko
Location: Connor Auditorium
- uploading data using DICOM C-STORE
- uploading data using the XNAT upload applet
- translating between the two metadata models
- prearchive and autoarchiving
- DicomServer for administrators
- session management
- interactions with XNAT
- configuration and customization
- network tricks: port mapping and reverse proxies
- troubleshooting
- XNAT Gateway: using XNAT as DICOM provider
- supported DICOM roles: C-Find and C-Move SCP
- technologies involved
- installation and configuration of XNAT & DICOM destinations
- search: matching XNAT and PACS query fields
- retrieve: query levels,
- performance issues, error tracking
Relevant Documentation:
XNAT DICOM Gateway documentation
Additional Material:
Presentation: DICOM-services-slides.pdf
Summary: DICOM-Services-summary.pdf
XNAT Gateway presentation: gateway_talk.pdf