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Image Processing Lab, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Iowa, Iowa City

About our group:

Dr. Hans Johnson is the director of our PredictHD Imaging and TrackOnHD imaging team.  We are focusing on NeuroImaging and informatics, developing BRAINSia tools in collaboration with the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing, involved in data sharing, processing medical images, resolving problems for multi-site studies, managing and visualizing research data, learning and interpreting data, discovering new knowledge, helping Huntington disease prediction and prevention.

About our XNAT projects:

PredictHD is an international 32-site longitudinal study for predicting and preventing Huntington’s disease.

PredictHD XNAT:  PREDICTHD currently contains 49 Projects, 1920 Subjects, and 4383 Imaging Sessions.


TrackOnHD has 4 international sites: Leiden, London, Paris, and Vancouver for detecting Huntington’s disease progression early.

TrackOnHD XNAT: HDNI currently contains 5 Projects, 394 Subjects, and 1448 Imaging Sessions.


Our goals for the XNAT Workshop:

Problems that our XNAT users encountered and wanted to be addressed (e.g. meaningful pipeline failure message)

Customization of XNAT for research related data management (Create, Read, Update, Delete, i.e. CRUD)

Integrate other informatics and data analysis tools with XNAT

Learn as much as possible about XNAT

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