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Integrated Brain Imaging Center, University of Washington, Seattle

About our group:

The Integrated Brain Imaging Center (IBIC) is a research-dedicated technology center organized under the Radiology department of the University of Washington School of Medicine.The mission of IBIC is to focus and foster interdisciplinary expertise in cognitive neuroscience, human neuroimaging, and medicine across departments and colleges at the University of Washington, and to pursue excellence and discovery in human neuroscience with imaging approaches. IBIC includes a comprehensive image processing laboratory and affiliates closely with the MR Research Laboratory, that houses a research-dedicated Philips Achieva 3 Tesla MRI scanner, in order to provide the infrastructure for a productive collaboration of physical scientists, imaging scientists and neuroscientists.

About our XNAT project(s):

We have several new projects for which we are using XNAT exclusively, as well as existing projects that we are migrating to XNAT partially due to our switch to Enhanced DICOM. We have a small 4-core workstation and RAIDed local disk array for storage. This system will become our development platform.

Our goals for the XNAT Workshop:

We want to be able to spec a production system that we can use to support all of our new projects, and would also like to migrate existing active projects from a proprietary PACS to XNAT if that is feasible.

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