Set Up Command Orchestration
In order set up command orchestration, you need to first Add a Command in your XNAT and then Enable a Command in Your Project.
To set up orchestration, navigate to Administer → Plugin Settings. In the Command Orchestration tab, click the Set up orchestration button.

In the modal that comes up, provide a name for your orchestration, and select the commands you wish to orchestrate. The first command is going to define the context of the orchestration, meaning the type of XNAT object on which the commands run (project, subject, session, scan, etc.). For now, you can only orchestrate commands with a common context, so commands with a context that differs from that of your first selection will be disabled. Commands that have not been enabled on the site will also be disabled.

You can click the "Add command" button to add additional commands, and use the "X" to remove a command. Note that you need at least two commands to constitute an orchestration.

You may also click and drag commands to change their order in the orchestration.

When you are satisfied with your orchestration, click the "Save" button.
You may add as many orchestrations as you would like, and you may disable or delete orchestrations to temporarily or forever prevent use. Doing either will remove the orchestration from any project that has selected it. If you later re-enable an orchestration from site level, you will need to re-add it to any projects.

If you edit an orchestration, you will need to retain the common context. If you try to swap, you won't be able to save:

If you disable a command that is used in an enabled orchestration, the orchestration will be disabled and removed from any projects.

However, if you re-enable the orchestration, the commands it needs will automatically be re-enabled as well.
Once you have set up orchestrations at the site level, you (or any project owner) may add them to a project.